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function get_artist🔗

    mbid: str,
    api_key: str = None,
    accept: setlist_fm_client.enums.Accept = <Accept.json: 'application/json'>,
    serialize: bool = False,
) → Union[httpx.Response, setlist_fm_client.models.Artist]

Returns an artist for a given Musicbrainz MBID


  • mbid: a Musicbrainz MBID, e.g. 0bfba3d3-6a04-4779-bb0a-df07df5b0558
  • api_key: the api key
  • accept: content type for response
  • serialize: defaults to False. if True, returns an Artist object
  • **kwargs: additional kwargs to pass down to httpx.Client.get **kwargs:

Returns: Artist if serialize is True, else httpx.Response

function get_artist_setlists🔗

    mbid: str,
    p: int = 1,
    api_key: str = None,
    accept: setlist_fm_client.enums.Accept = <Accept.json: 'application/json'>,
    serialize: bool = False,
) → Union[httpx.Response, setlist_fm_client.models.ArtistSetListResponse]

Get a list of an artist's setlists


  • mbid: a Musicbrainz MBID, e.g. 0bfba3d3-6a04-4779-bb0a-df07df5b0558
  • p: the number of the result page
  • api_key: the api key
  • accept: content type for response
  • serialize: defaults to False. if True, returns an ArtistSetListResponse object
  • **kwargs: additional kwargs to pass down to httpx.Client.get **kwargs:

Returns: ArtistSetListResponse if serialize is True, else httpx.Response

function get_city🔗

    geoid: str,
    api_key: str = None,
    accept: setlist_fm_client.enums.Accept = <Accept.json: 'application/json'>,
    serialize: bool = False,
) → Union[httpx.Response, setlist_fm_client.models.City]

Get a city by its unique geoid


  • geoid: the geoid of the city, e.g. 4930956
  • api_key: the api key
  • accept: content type for response
  • serialize: defaults to False. if True, returns a City object
  • **kwargs: additional kwargs to pass down to httpx.Client.get

Returns: City if serialize is True, else httpx.Response

function get_user🔗

    user_id: str,
    api_key: str = None,
    accept: setlist_fm_client.enums.Accept = <Accept.json: 'application/json'>,
    serialize: bool = False,
) → Union[httpx.Response, setlist_fm_client.models.User]

Get a user by their userId


  • user_id: the user's userId
  • api_key: the api key
  • accept: content type for response
  • serialize: defaults to False. if True, returns a User object
  • **kwargs: additional kwargs to pass down to httpx.Client.get

Returns: User if serialize is True, else httpx.Response

function get_venue🔗

    venue_id: str,
    api_key: str = None,
    accept: setlist_fm_client.enums.Accept = <Accept.json: 'application/json'>,
    serialize: bool = False,
) → Union[httpx.Response, setlist_fm_client.models.Venue]

Get a venue by its venueId


  • venue_id: the venue's venueId, e.g. '6bd6ca6e'
  • api_key: the api key
  • accept: content type for response
  • serialize: defaults to False. if True, returns a Venue object
  • **kwargs: additional kwargs to pass down to httpx.Client.get

Returns: Venue if serialize is True, else httpx.Response

function get_setlists_at_venue🔗

    venue_id: str,
    p: int = None,
    api_key: str = None,
    accept: setlist_fm_client.enums.Accept = <Accept.json: 'application/json'>,
    serialize: bool = False,
) → Union[httpx.Response, setlist_fm_client.models.ArtistSetListResponse]

Get setlists for a specific venue


  • venue_id: the venue's venueId, e.g. '6bd6ca6e'
  • p: the number of the result page
  • api_key: the api key
  • accept: content type for response
  • serialize: defaults to False. if True, returns a ArtistSetListResponse object
  • **kwargs: additional kwargs to pass down to httpx.Client.get

Returns: ArtistSetListResponse if serialize is True, else httpx.Response

function get_setlists_of_concerts_attended_by_user🔗

    user_id: str,
    p: int = 1,
    api_key: str = None,
    accept: setlist_fm_client.enums.Accept = <Accept.json: 'application/json'>,
    serialize: bool = False,
) → Union[httpx.Response, setlist_fm_client.models.ArtistSetListResponse]

Get a list of setlists of concerts attended by a user


  • user_id: the user's userId
  • p: the number of the result page
  • api_key: the api key
  • accept: content type for response
  • serialize: defaults to False. if True, returns a ArtistSetListResponse object
  • **kwargs: additional kwargs to pass down to httpx.Client.get

Returns: ArtistSetListResponse if serialize is True, else httpx.Response

function get_setlists_edited_by_user🔗

    user_id: str,
    p: int = 1,
    api_key: str = None,
    accept: setlist_fm_client.enums.Accept = <Accept.json: 'application/json'>,
    serialize: bool = False,
) → Union[httpx.Response, setlist_fm_client.models.ArtistSetListResponse]

Get a list of setlists of concerts edited by a user

The list contains the current version, not the version edited.


  • user_id: the user's userId
  • p: the number of the result page
  • api_key: the api key
  • accept: content type for response
  • serialize: defaults to False. if True, returns a ArtistSetListResponse object
  • **kwargs: additional kwargs to pass down to httpx.Client.get

Returns: ArtistSetListResponse if serialize is True, else httpx.Response

function search_artists🔗

    mbid: str = None,
    name: str = None,
    p: int = 1,
    sort: setlist_fm_client.enums.Sort = <Sort.sort_name: 'sortName'>,
    accept: setlist_fm_client.enums.Accept = <Accept.json: 'application/json'>,
    api_key: str = None,
    serialize: bool = False,
) → Union[httpx.Response, setlist_fm_client.models.ArtistSearchResponse]

Search for artists using their mbid or their name.


  • mbid: mbid: a Musicbrainz MBID, e.g. 0bfba3d3-6a04-4779-bb0a-df07df5b0558
  • name: the artist's name
  • p: the number of the result page
  • sort: the method in which to sort the result set
  • accept: content type for response
  • api_key: the api key
  • serialize: defaults to False. if True, returns a ArtistSearchResponse object
  • **kwargs: additional kwargs to pass down to httpx.Client.get

Returns: 'ArtistSearchResponseif serialize is True, elsehttpx.Response`

function search_cities🔗

    country: str = None,
    name: str = None,
    state: str = None,
    state_code: str = None,
    p: int = 1,
    accept: setlist_fm_client.enums.Accept = <Accept.json: 'application/json'>,
    api_key: str = None,
    serialize: bool = False,
) → Union[httpx.Response, setlist_fm_client.models.CitiesSearchResponse]

Search for a city using various parameters


  • country: the city's country
  • name: the city's name
  • state: the city's state
  • state_code: the city's state code
  • p: the number of the result page
  • accept: content type for response
  • api_key: the api key
  • serialize: defaults to False. if True, returns a CitySearchResponse object
  • **kwargs: additional kwargs to pass down to httpx.Client.get

Returns: 'CitySearchResponseif serialize is True, elsehttpx.Response`

function search_countries🔗

    accept: setlist_fm_client.enums.Accept = <Accept.json: 'application/json'>,
    api_key: str = None,
    serialize: bool = False,
) → Union[httpx.Response, setlist_fm_client.models.CountrySearchResponse]

Get a list of all supported countries


  • accept: content type for response
  • api_key: the api key
  • serialize: defaults to False. if True, returns a CountrySearchResponse object
  • **kwargs: additional kwargs to pass down to httpx.Client.get

Returns: 'CountrySearchResponseif serialize is True, elsehttpx.Response`

function search_venues🔗

    city_id: str = None,
    city_name: str = None,
    country: str = None,
    state: str = None,
    state_code: str = None,
    p: int = 1,
    accept: setlist_fm_client.enums.Accept = <Accept.json: 'application/json'>,
    api_key: str = None,
    serialize: bool = False,
) → Union[httpx.Response, setlist_fm_client.models.VenueSearchResponse]

Search for a venue using various parameters


  • city_id: the city's geoId, e.g. '5128581'
  • city_name: the name of the city where the venue is located
  • country: the name of the country where the venue is located
  • state: the name of the state where the venue is located
  • state_code: the state code of the state where the venue is located
  • p: the number of the result page
  • accept: content type for response
  • api_key: the api key
  • serialize: defaults to False. if True, returns a VenueSearchResponse object
  • **kwargs: additional kwargs to pass down to httpx.Client.get

Returns: 'VenueSearchResponseif serialize is True, elsehttpx.Response`

function search_setlists🔗

    artist_mbid: str = None,
    artist_name: str = None,
    city_id: str = None,
    city_name: str = None,
    country_code: str = None,
    date: = None,
    last_updated: datetime.datetime = None,
    state: str = None,
    state_code: str = None,
    tour_name: str = None,
    venue_id: str = None,
    venue_name: str = None,
    year: Union[int, str] = None,
    p: int = 1,
    accept: setlist_fm_client.enums.Accept = <Accept.json: 'application/json'>,
    api_key: str = None,
    serialize: bool = False,
) → Union[httpx.Response, setlist_fm_client.models.ArtistSetListResponse]

Search for setlists using a variety of query params


  • artist_mbid: the artist's Musicbrainz Identifier
  • artist_name: the artist's name
  • city_id: the city's geoId
  • city_name: the name of the city
  • country_code: the country code
  • date: the date of the event
  • last_updated: the datetime (UTC) when this setlist was last updated - either edited or reverted.
  • state: the state
  • state_code: the state code
  • tour_name: the name of the tour
  • venue_id: the venue id
  • venue_name: the name of the venue
  • year: the year of the event
  • p: the number of the result page
  • accept: content type for response
  • api_key: the api key
  • serialize: defaults to False. if True, returns a ArtistSetListResponse object
  • **kwargs: additional kwargs to pass down to httpx.Client.get

Returns: 'ArtistSetListResponseif serialize is True, elsehttpx.Response`

function get_setlist🔗

    setlist_id: str,
    accept: setlist_fm_client.enums.Accept = <Accept.json: 'application/json'>,
    api_key: str = None,
    serialize: bool = False,
) → Union[httpx.Response, setlist_fm_client.models.ArtistSetList]

Returns the current version of a setlist

If you pass the id of a setlist that got edited since you last accessed it, you'll get the current version.


  • setlist_id: the setlist's selistId, e.g. '63de4613'
  • accept: content type for response
  • api_key: the api key
  • serialize: defaults to False. if True, returns a ArtistSetList object
  • **kwargs: additional kwargs to pass down to httpx.Client.get

Returns: 'ArtistSetListif serialize is True, elsehttpx.Response`

function get_setlist_by_version🔗

    version_id: str,
    accept: setlist_fm_client.enums.Accept = <Accept.json: 'application/json'>,
    api_key: str = None,
    serialize: bool = False,
) → Union[httpx.Response, setlist_fm_client.models.ArtistSetList]

Returns a setlist for the given versionId.

The setlist returned isn't necessarily the most recent version. E.g. if you pass the versionId of a setlist that got edited since you last accessed it, you'll get the same version as last time.


  • version_id: the setlist's versionId, e.g. 'be1aaa0'
  • accept: content type for response
  • api_key: the api key
  • serialize: defaults to False. if True, returns a ArtistSetList object
  • **kwargs: additional kwargs to pass down to httpx.Client.get

Returns: 'ArtistSetListif serialize is True, elsehttpx.Response`